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Old August 27, 2012, 10:10 AM   #67
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Join Date: December 5, 2008
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There is no excuse for any law enforcement officer to not be proficient in any part of his job, they are paid as fully qualified LEO's, and if not fully qualified they should reduced in grade, pay and retrained or fired. If It was proven, as in the case of these officers, that I was not fully qualified in all aspects of my job I would be terminated. How can anyone defend a LEO that, in this incident it is quite evident, is not qualified with his sidearm. Most People that I know that have a CWFL spend many hours practicing at +\- 8 yds each month and the majority can place most shots COM.

These two officers did not use good judgement, they should not have engaged the individual in the area with hundreds of innocent bystanders. To apprehend one bad guy is not worth injuries or death of one innocent bystander. Why are high speed pursuites not allowed by most departments? Because of possible injuries to other drivers.

Bloomberg and the Brady Bunch blew their speech and news release on this one
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