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Old September 19, 2006, 12:29 AM   #109
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Join Date: November 21, 2004
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I'm for everything as long as it doesn't harm or cost me, or any other innocent people.
Things that you apparently are not "for":
- cars
- guns
- water (people drown in it... innocent people. You likely pay a water bill)

Sure, I like the cold beer, but I hardly ever drink to the point of intoxication or impairment. Like it's been noted before, with the illegal drugs, that's all you're doing.
That's right. Alcohol is good and doesn't have to be abused; other drugs are bad and are only abused.
Actually I must say that this is a valid argument for the most part. After all, when you do cocaine/meth/heroin, you aren't doing it to get a buzz. You're doing it to get f'ed up. Marijuana is different depending on quite a few factors, just like cigs and alch.

Q: Why aren't they getting into gunfights with LEO's to smuggle tobacco and alcohol shipments?
A: Because tobacco and alcohol are legal.
See Crosshair and Heists posts LOL!

Still, agreed.
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