Thread: How much ammo
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Old April 4, 2005, 08:24 PM   #25
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Probably more of a profit thing. They are most likely using cheap ammo, and selling it at a pretty good profit, and blaming it on lawyers. Hell, one range around here sells cheap reloads (actually darned reliable) that use the spent casings that are left at the range (I take mine home). They are going for $10 or so, which I think is a bit steep for reloads, but about the same price as WWB, without having to to go wally world beforehand. I don't really like traditional ranges with a range official, all the stupid no holster draw, no rapid fire, etc rules. Those may work for most, but when Im shooting pistol, I want to be practicing more than just slow fire, maximum accuracy shooting. I need to be able to practice shooting from the draw, in a quick 3 shot string, decock, reholster, repeat. Pure accuracy doesn't really help one become proficient with the whole pistol system, which the holster is a very large part of.
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