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Old December 19, 2009, 05:40 PM   #12
Shane Tuttle
Join Date: November 28, 2005
Location: Montana
Posts: 9,443
Depending on the type of training, I highly recommend Randy Cain. An original disciple of Gunsite, Jeff Cooper, and Louis Awerbuck, along with being trained on a regular basis with Steve Tarani provides quite the resume to know what the hell he's doing. Many, many individuals that receive training at some big-shot Training Courses have their tail between their legs within the first hour of his course. It isn't because he's leads an intimidating course. It's the fact he can prove to anyone all the fancy schmancy latest and so-called greatest techniques aren't worth a crap if you don't get down to the core values of the Triad. Never have I seen a class with combinations of LE with 15+ years experience and a female that barely knows how to hold a gun learn so much, so fast, and NO ONE is bored. Better yet, no one is pushed beyond their limitations and he knows how to teach effectively.
If it were up to me, the word "got" would be deleted from the English language.

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