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Old March 2, 2007, 04:39 AM   #27
Senior Member
Join Date: March 27, 2006
Posts: 172
I agree with blackwater but I will take it a bit further. If you had drawn down on him for walking by you I think you would be looking at a felony, not just the loss of a ccw. I mean really, what would your defense be? Your honor, he walked by me so I pulled my gun.....

I understand what your post was intended to do, but I think it points out that you may not be responsible enough to handle a ccw at this point and really should consider willfully surrendering it before your actions hurt someone. Please understand I am not by any means trying to be mean but deciding to drawn down on someone for walking by you is simply reckless and extreme. Your gun should never be drawn unless the situation itself warrants the use of it. I will repeat that..the situation should warrant firing the gun if it is drawn, drawing it may prevent the need to use it, but the situation should be one where the firearm is your only alternative before you show it.
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