Thread: Gun IQ
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Old April 26, 2009, 01:02 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by KLRANGL
Your whole post is a sentiment many people feel, but its all based on fear. Why do we have more fear in today's day and age, while statistically speaking we are all much safer?

And I dont even trust the government with my money, much less telling people who can and who cant have weapons. Sound good in theory, but would never ever work...
I don't know that I could say that we're any safer today than we were 50 years ago. Crimes still happen, and humans are still as fallible as ever. I would say in the way of firearm safety we might be less safe than we were 50 years ago. I don't think that as many people are properly trained any more. And I'm not talking about formal training as much as I am referring to having our fathers and grandfathers take us out at a young age and teaching us what is right and proper and safe. I think that makes a huge difference.

Now don't get me wrong here. I try not to buy into fear. I'm not out stockpiling ammunition or rushing to buy an "assault rifle" or anything like that. I'm waiting for it to blow over and I'm trying not to add to the panic and scramble. I am very careful when I'm out in the woods and when I hear gunfire I make sure to identify where its coming from and to keep well clear of it. Do I allow it to stop me from going out? Not by any means. I am wary though. And I would be lying to say I'm not a little nervous at times. Just a couple of weeks ago a friend and I were shot "at" while out on the logging roads. The person didn't know we were there and we fired a couple of rounds up in the air when branches started falling down around us and the person stopped and the person stopped, but the guys didn't use a proper back stop or even think to use one. Once we spoke with them for a couple minutes and gave them a better spot to go shoot, things were great. It was still a far closer call than I like though.

I would love to see everyone with a gun pass hunters safety. I think as far as things are concerned that's as much as one could expect. Would I support mandating it? Heavens no, but I would be happy if people did it of their own accord. I think we just need to be careful and try to teach our kids and grandchildren and brothers and sisters safety and respect of firearms along with anyone else that may need some advice.

I wish I could more eloquently impart my thoughts, but (for me at least) its difficult to say anything in an absolute fashion. The one thing I know is that as much as I wish everyone was properly trained I would not and could not support or allow the government to have that control.
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