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Old November 17, 2013, 02:47 AM   #12
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On a more practical level, the attempt to control behavior by banning devices leads to a patchwork of laws that criminalizes very basic mistakes on the part of entirely civic minded people. You can have this gun in this state, but not its neighbor. This rifle is legal, unless you replace a broken part with a foreign one. Magazine limits that are none, 15 or 10. You can bye a rifle over state lines but not a pistol. This one is grandfathered, this one is not. And what is "sporting" anyway?

The attempt to control guns doesn't control anything and makes regular people have to become legal scholars just to figure out if the rifle they've owned for 20 years can move with them to a new state. And for every rule there are multiple exceptions, all of which raise prices, cause hording and favor the wealthy.

There is no single device that you can ban that would have saved those children. Sandy Hook would have been a bloodbath with a pump shotgun or just a machete.

So aside from the danger and inconvenience halfway bans impose on regular people, the entirely false sense of security and accomplishment gun control proponents get by passing more laws just masks the real problems and real solutions.

Many of us worry about living in a country that holds individual liberty dear while trying to combat obesity by making forks illegal. It is a total breakdown in cause and effect.
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