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Old February 21, 2009, 07:39 PM   #4
Senior Member
Join Date: December 12, 2005
Location: The Old line State
Posts: 282
Just takes one idiot to shut down a range. Take that extra minute to help those that need it. You just may have helped stop the safety violation or worse from happening in the future.
Theirin lies the rub. I felt like the world police in the Army. I somehow still do and definitely don't want to when it comes to "policing these ranges". The ranges I go to are the ones I want to go to. The infractions happen and in my opinion should be stopped by anyone with enough common sense to see it.
We are preserving our heritige in doing so. We are reminding others that there is a responsibility along with the freedoms we have.
these ranges are getting too few and far in between enough as it is. It is either that or purchase the private land. It is a civic duty to teach others to accurately shoot firearms with the confidence to do so and conduct the art safely.
1. Treat every firearm as if it were loaded.
2. Never point a firearm at anything you do not intend to shoot.
3. Keep the finger off the trigger and firearm on safe until ready to shoot.
4. Know the target and what's beyond it.
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