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Old January 15, 2013, 12:59 AM   #23
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Say the list is semi-correct, and all ~50 incidences involved people being treated medically for a mental illness. Wonder what the percentage would be if you take 50 and divide by the millions and millions of people who take similar medications and show marked improvement for their illness. What kind of percentage would that be? The list goes back to '88, so that's what, 25 years? Does anyone comprehend the volume of antidepressant medications that have been consumed in the last 25 years?
<puts on thinkin' cap (backwards Methusala Seed Corn gimme hat)>

Sooooo...... ummmmm.....errrr.... I ain't so quick, gimme a sec, 'n lemmme git this straight......... you are saying that, because a handful of people on these psychotropuck drugs went bonkers, out of the tens of millions that took 'em ..... (that would make those folk them there "extreme statistical outliers" .... kinda like a squib factory load)- are we going to make drastic changes in how we live, and open ourselves to far worse risks, based on the possibility, at "worse than a found lottery ticket" odds of someone else makin' something bad happen? That's. very. near. the. dumbest. thing. I. EVER. heard. of..... Ever.....

...... except maybe that there idea that we should more highly regulate folk that own guns ........ 'cuz of the 100 million+ that do, a few do dumb stuff with 'em, so obviously, the regulations are not tough enough, 'cause somebody is still doing dumb stuff with guns!!!!!!!!!!!111111111!!!!

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