Thread: Boycott NY?
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Old January 18, 2013, 08:40 AM   #50
Willie Sutton
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Join Date: January 26, 2012
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Not so much a matter of boycotting NY, but rather telling weapons companies in non-free states that they need to relocate, they need to stop selling to NY,etc.

Do you *really* think that large industrial businesses in general care?

They are going to make rational decisions.

What do you think it would actually take to move a business the size of Remington or S&W?

What do you think it would cost?

Does anyone REALLY think that companies who sell products to law enforcement and government users will "bpycott" them to send a message?

(and "Yes" I know that Mr. Barrett did it to California, that was a very small and special case).

There is no rational business management team that would do that to "send a message".

Thinking that this is a practical possibility is another branch of the tin foil hattery tree.


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