Thread: Stuck nipple
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Old May 19, 2009, 11:28 AM   #12
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Join Date: January 29, 2009
Location: Texas
Posts: 249
I have 4 cylinders for my 1858 Pietta and had not shot it several years. I was trying to get the nipples out of them. Some came out ok but some I still cannot get out. On one cylinder I have busted 3 wrenches. I think I am going to have to by the wrenches by the dozen. Once I get them loose I put bore butter on the threads so I won't have trouble in the future. The 4 or so that I still haven't got out I have left soaking in WD40 for weeks at a time, several times I have heated them up with a propane torch and when that did not work I sprayed them with WD40 when they were hot and so on. I just got a new cylinder last week for my 1860 Pietta that was all oily and the nipple wrench broke on some of those also. I think that Pietta puts them in to tight to begin with but the 1858 seems to break the wrenches easier because of the design. The sharp edges of the recesses along with the angle of the nipple tends to snap them off. I was wondering if someone makes a closer fitting wrench. Maybe one that would fit a ratchet would be good. The steel it to hard and brittle on them also. The tips break off.
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