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Old April 15, 2009, 09:43 PM   #29
Shane Tuttle
Join Date: November 28, 2005
Location: Montana
Posts: 9,443
and the only suggested solution was to "vote them out". i
I don't disagree with that, but there is a ton of work and preparation between saying it and making it happen.
OK, Jafaba. If this is how it's going to be:

If you reread ALL of my posts, you'd see that I suggested some items other than voting them out.

1. Contact your local elected officials. Get involved in keeping tabs on what they do, what they're introducing on the house/senate floors. Hold them accountable for their actions and provide support when they do right.

2. Vote them out. Yes, I did specifically state this for a darn good reason. IMHO, you failed to do so by voting for Obama. It's no good to spend my time giving solutions if you don't vote for 2A supporters to begin with.

3. Read up on the Constitution. Also, the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights (not just the 2A), and writings of the Founding Fathers. Again, not to lambast you, but I believe you need to start with studying these documents and then get back to us. I feel that one needs to get a better grasp on how it all started, why, and how.

I don't disagree with that, but there is a ton of work and preparation between saying it and making it happen.
To summarize, I DID provide you with several steps in the solution process. Those three items alone should be the foundation, IMO. You're right. There IS a ton of work and preparation. But you need to know the multiplication table before trying to excecute quadradic equations...
If it were up to me, the word "got" would be deleted from the English language.

Posting and YOU:
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