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Old December 13, 2005, 03:23 PM   #82
Glenn E. Meyer
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Join Date: November 17, 2000
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1. The air marshalls are hallucinating and/or lying

2. These passengers (one of whom brags about breaking necks) have perfect memories of a dynamic situation - when we know that memories are really suspect and terribly vulnerable to all kinds of errors of storage, retrieval and reconstruction.

I would take umbrage with Mr. Wah, Wah My Cell Phone was karated out of my mitts. If you think you have an incident going - can phones be used to set off explosives or communicate with accomplices. That complaint was from the 'neckbreaker' hero. Maybe it was a taekwando chop BTW.

It comes down to what error you want to make. An innocent is shot vs. the chance you could have a terrorist incident happening. You have aberrant behavior. The wife could be a smoke screen.

It's sad - but if this guy was unstable - how about he doesn't fly? Or go on vacation to Columbia.
NRA, TSRA, IDPA, NTI, Polite Soc. - Aux Armes, Citoyens
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