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Old June 25, 2012, 04:27 PM   #2370
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From the National Review article:

Why go through all of this detail? Because the Obama administration has offered a palpably false narrative about Fast and Furious. It is this: Acting on their own, recklessly irresponsible ATF agents in Arizona — under the ostensible direction of the local U.S. attorney, who was actually asleep at the switch — dreamed up the Fast and Furious investigation, with its rogue “gunwalking” tactic.
Issa says Fast and Furious was the brainchild of the career bureaucrats in the Phoenix office of the BATFE. They sold the program to the US attorney for AZ, Dennis Burke and up the BATFE chain. It makes sense that Fast and Furious originated in the Phoenix office: Newell, the SAC of the Phoenix office had walked guns into Mexico under Wide Receiver.

See Issas memo to his committee dated 3 May, 2012, page 4:

Having been encouraged to devise grander strategies to stop the transfers
of weapons to Mexican drug cartels, the Phoenix based agents devised a strategy that went beyond simple arrests or weapons confiscations. They would allow the U.S.-based associates of a Mexican drug cartel to continue acquiring firearms uninterrupted. In doing so, they hoped the weapons, after they were recovered at crime scenes in Mexico, could be traced and linked to cartel operatives including possible high-level financiers, suppliers, and possibly even king-pins.
Dennis Burke had long been a subordinate of Napolitano. Theres a good chance Napolitano knew about F&F: Good chance Holder knew about F&F. Proving it may be another matter.

Last edited by thallub; June 25, 2012 at 05:11 PM.
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