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Old November 22, 2008, 11:03 AM   #4
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So what I am getting at is not to avoid bias, but rather to admit that we have them and exploit them. I am not suggesting we take the moral high ground. I am suggesting its time to get down and dirty and win the marketing game.
In order to do that, I believe that the news media needs to be "stolen back" (for lack of a better term) from the other side and brought over to ours. I believe a large amount of the reason the general public seems to be "anti" is because of the news media. Most people are not what can be considered deep thinkers in any sense of the term.

Years ago, my father was part of his high-school's shooting team. Thats right...a high school shooting team. He still has his old 22 bolt-action rifle that he bought for $30 at the local general store and used to good ends. Nowadays a gun within 500 ft of school property is a instant & free ticket to jail.

It seemed that every young boy back in my grandfather's day was EXPECTED to learn how to shoot, whether it was because every American boy was expected know how to shoot purely out of our heritage and tradition....or simply to augment the cooking pot. But that was when the rural population outnumbered the urban population.

That trend inverted after the great depression of '29. The media, especially the news media, has vilified the use of guns as a tool of bank robbers and gangsters since the roaring 1920's and the leaner 1930's. The news media has not changed its position or gotten any better since then. If we want to convince the population that guns are the only reason we can guarantee a democracy, the news media needs to brought on board.
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