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Old May 14, 2011, 08:14 PM   #10
Join Date: October 9, 2008
Posts: 40
Ok I won't argue physics with you. But a measurement of .00000000000001 is not going to make any noticible differance.
Ok .0000000000000001 might be wrong so break out your calipers that you got in physics class and measure the mold befor and after apply'n graphite. Trust me it won't amount to any thing noticable that will detract from an accurate casting.
Casters and mold makers use something called Mold Prep, its basically graphite and alcohole. But its cheaper to make your own.
Remember molly coated bullets and barrel treatments? Its another type of micro film. That worked as a dry lube with out build up or closeing the diameter of the barrel.

You are correct but it is a mesurement on a micorscopic level.
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