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Old October 3, 2009, 05:49 PM   #6
Senior Member
Join Date: April 23, 2007
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Is there any advantage/need for hand/arm strength training in any style of shooting? Does a strong finger and hand make for more accurate shooting?
Yes. But I don't think that it's a necessity. Where you'll see a real advantage is in competitive shooting. Good forearm and grip strength provide better stability, consistency and endurance throughout a match.

Something to keep in mind regarding grip training is that you can over do it. It's a good idea to isolate your trigger finger when training so that you don't induce a sympathetic contraction with the gripping fingers.

Also muscle mass carries blood, which contributes to pulse deflection (i.e. movement from the cycle of your pulse). This isn't really a concern for pistol shooting, but is for rifle sports where you're shooting with a sling.
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