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Old September 20, 2011, 03:00 AM   #26
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Join Date: February 15, 2009
Location: Kodiak, Alaska
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Can a flashlight by definition be tactical.. sure

As I have said numerous times in many threads; inanimate objects are incapable of acting upon, or making, a goal-specific decision. See the definition I posted above.

Flashlights (along with other inanimate objects) are not tactical in and of themselves. Sure, they can be used for a tactical purpose or they can just be used to find your keys under the couch...

The implication that so many things are tactical is dangerous. Something that is capable of employing decision-making and tactics to achieve a specific goal or objective would (theoretically) also be capable of acting independantly. So then guns could kill people by themselves, and flashlighs would turn on whenever they felt like it. As we all know, this is not the case.

YOU are the tactical piece of the equasion, not your equipment. The equipment requires you to use it in a tactical manner for it to be "tactical". Equipment can not be tactical just lying on a shelf in the garage, not being used by anyone...
"To preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole body of the people always possess arms, and be taught alike, especially when young, how to use them." -Richard Henry Lee, Virginia delegate to the Continental Congress, initiator of the Declaration of Independence, and member of the first Senate, which passed the Bill of Rights.
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