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Old February 10, 2013, 08:09 PM   #10
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Join Date: May 3, 2012
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Ok I used to take these things apart as a part of my work.
Here are the most obvious flaws.
1) 20 year old data only applies to twenty years ago when describing social behavior.

2) Statistics based off of voluntary self reporting mean absolutely nothing about the public as a whole, cannot be verified, and only apply to the small minority motivated to return the survey. What is their motivation?

3) CDC is not an accepted scientific source for social questions they are politically driven.

4) The study admit's for itself "To produce more reliable estimates, Blacks, persons less than 35 years of age or older than age 100 years, and persons who died from external causes of homicide, suicide, and unintentional injury were over-sampled in this survey. Considering what percentage of African-
Americans (approximately 84% in the 1990 census) live in cities, you have now over-sampled urban areas. There are many more legal guns per capita in Rural areas. Which leads us to the next point.

5)[B]No differentiation in the survey between lawful gun owners and criminals in possession, illegally, of guns. This was the big card they palmed that clearly shows their intent as it isn't addressed at all. They pay lip service later to some of the other factors they didn't control for, Location, Socio-Economic status etc. but they very carefully do not mention this.

You take already unreliable 20 year old data, from when the murder rate from gang violence was at it's peak, over-sample ethnic minorities under 35 involved in the gangs, then don't differentiate between lawful gun owners and criminals and tally it up.
Amazing! guns in the home are the cause of violence!

I was going to call them idiots, but they were very clever in how they manipulated this data.
Gaily bedight, A gallant knight In sunshine and in shadow, Had journeyed long, Singing a song, In search of El Dorado
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