Thread: Winter time CCW
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Old December 17, 2011, 11:54 AM   #32
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My thinking is I have to have a weapon that is concealable and it can't depend on the heavy coat.

As far as deploying any kind of weapon besides a firearm, I've said this on a black-jack thread. I don't plan on engaging in unarmed combat with anyone. There are well known cases of people being beaten to death where the murderer used only their fists and their feet, of course there are well documented cases of people being killed with knives or even pointed instruments - like screwdrivers. There are myriad endless scenarios that can be gone through but in general I try to avoid, evade, escape the situation and only deploy a firearm as a last resort, but I'm not going to deploy a baton because a guy is weilding a pipe, or pull out a knife because a guy is weilding a knife. If I can't get out of that location, I'm pulling a firearm.
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