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Old November 6, 2007, 12:35 PM   #5
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Join Date: January 12, 2007
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One bit I can add is that I like to look for trees that have smaller trees growing right beside them and use the smaller tree as cover. I particularly like pine trees with cedars growing around them. I run the climber up the tree and park it between the two trees with the cedar tree covering my lower body. That way if I mess up and move at the wrong time, there's less chance of the deer seeing me. Other trees with limbs draping across in front of you work too. I just prefer cedars. It's a trick i've used for bowhunting for years and when using it I've never had a deer know I was there till it was too late. One of my early bowhunting experiences, which taught me this particular trick, was being made by a 7 pointer when I went to draw. Looked straight at me. He didn't hang around long after that. Now I tuck myself into a little hide like this whether I'm hunting with a bow or a firearm.
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