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Old May 15, 2008, 08:36 PM   #146
Join Date: May 12, 2008
Posts: 22
My 2 cents on an old thread......

My rights are not negotiable. There was no drug prohibition until 1914 in this country while drugs were around before the invention of firearms. I find it odd that gunowners, who are generally strong supporters of individual liberty, resort to the same arguments as gun grabbers when rights other than to arms and personal defense are at stake.

Are you afraid that if are rights are restored you will start taking now banned drugs?

Too often the focus of this discussion is on "street drugs".If you were suffering from an incurable disease would you take a promising therapeutic drug that was banned by the FDA? Should the State be able to tell you you can't take an experimental cancer drug for example (they do)? If you lost your health insurance should you have to pay $150 for a doctors visit to buy a $10 prescription for a known medical condition? (or just walk in the pharmacy and buy it as was our right until 1936)

Ending drug prohibition is not a matter of social policy but a restoration of property rights and individual liberty.
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