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Old October 25, 2013, 09:31 AM   #151
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...and is likely to be taken as overbearing by those who would defend the right described in the Second Amendment, but with whom you may have minor differences.
The occasionally bizarre activism of OC'ers and the negative public (voter) impression it often leaves behind is not a minor difference.
"Come And Take It" rallies typically draw a large police presence and undesirable media coverage that can hamper the efforts of core 2A supporters concerned with the bigger picture.
So yea, many feel compelled to shun those on the outer fringe who can/do bring firearms into a negative light more often than necessary.

And for what? To narrowly focus on promoting a tactically unwise method of carry that spooks much of the public in hopes that the criminals steer clear?

I think OC should be legal everywhere, but I sure don’t want to see it become common, and I certainly don’t want to see it get more media coverage.
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