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Old August 10, 2001, 12:30 AM   #70
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Join Date: June 7, 2001
Posts: 110

I agree that modern students do not understand bushido... the old code of ethics of the samurai, how ever the the few who still practice with the same spirit that those old samurai did are the few who keep the warrior spirit alive AND THERE ARE DAMED FEW!! That is why I do not see it in our youth today as they dont even have a zest for life.. the tv mostly.... I do not mean to seem hard on todays youth... but I see the last of us dying out .... I dont know about you guys my dojo was my home ... 7 days a week for years and years. no other thing occupied our minds... we did not do it for FUN. or to be bad asses. we did it to perfect our mind, body and spirits. the zen that was passed to me was the same as it was to the bhudda, the warrior spirit the same as it was to the ancient samurai, my shodan came with blood sweat and tears. and strict and hard sensei, in my years I have seen the maritial arts dwindle to a joke... people today do not want to give there lives to it... to many easy things in thier lives.. they miss the meaning of it all .... karate is not a sport. it is a deadly self defence (or it used to be) I feel a great sadness as i see what has become of it all... you younger guys don"t know what you missed . ghillieman (PERHAPS> the last warrior)
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