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Old August 11, 2005, 08:43 PM   #15
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Join Date: April 19, 2005
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Posts: 248
it sounds like you are very ambitious and that is very good. But I want to square you away on the facts of being a sniper in the usmc or the army. you do have an advatage over most people that have been shooting all there lives. they are pretty set in there ways and they have sometimes developed very bad habbitts that are hard to break. so there you are ahead.
First and foremost a sniper is not an mos that you can just enlist for in the army. or the usmc for that matter. you must first go to basic or boot then your ait and once you get to your unit, then once you get the proper rank you can try to get your squad leader and platoon sgt to get you a school slot!
If i were you i would do what I did, go infantry for a while then take as many schools as possible airborn sniper school etc. and if the regular infantry isn't a big enough challenge there is always ranger bats or sf. And i can tell you from experience that it doesn't get more high speed than sf!
Plus when you advance to sf or ranger bats the sniper training gets better and longer ranges and more intense!
I have the tm here somewhere that i first studied to get me ready and if i find it i will give you the number so you can pick one up.
And last and most important, the job isn't as great as the media and movies make it out to be. I just got back fom a year tour and the majority of the time is setting and waiting, very rarly are you ever imploed like we should be. Good luck!
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