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Old September 16, 2009, 04:28 PM   #1
Join Date: March 24, 2005
Location: Colorado
Posts: 91
How Do I Find a Defense Attorney Who Specializes in Firearms Related Cases?

Don't need one right now, but what if.

It seems like the Firing Line Forum might be a source for information and reputational records on some of the most reputable and successful criminal defense lawyers who have a specialty, or significant practice in, defending clients who defended themselves with a firearm, or perhaps gotten involved in other civil rights RKBA matters related to firearms possession, transport, storage, etc.?

I would assume this is typically a state jurisdiction specific matter, so we might eventually need to be state-specific with any repository of information we collect. We can leave that for another post.

But more generally, how does one find, then select, a good attorney?

Would it be advisable to perhaps have done a bit of groundwork in advance, like a probably-never-to-be-used-fire-insurance policy, and have the selection over and done with so one would already be carrying the business card at the time it became necessary to have an attorney?
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