Thread: Cover garments
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Old October 14, 2013, 02:36 PM   #28
Spats McGee
Join Date: July 28, 2010
Location: Arkansas
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Originally Posted by Nathan
Teach me! How do you leave shirts unbuttoned and maintain concealment? I always leave the house like this but end up buttoning a button pretty quick due to wind, etc
A friend of mine gave me a tip on this. I haven't honestly tried it yet, but I keep swearing that I'm going to. He takes a couple of what we used to call "slugs," metal disks, about the size of a quarter, and either stitches or glues them into the "front corners" of the shirt, along the seam where the buttons are. Obviously, this won't stop the shirt from blowing in gale-force winds, but he says it helps with minor gusts.
I'm a lawyer, but I'm not your lawyer. If you need some honest-to-goodness legal advice, go buy some.
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