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Old April 22, 2013, 11:24 AM   #19
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I will concede that I am conflating the two processes, because that bears on the overall issue.

After all, what if the citizen had been a vet, with an initial VA diagnosis of PTSD? Years later, all might be fine, but there would be NO WAY to fix his issues.

All this goes back to the system being potentially abused, rather easily, by the anti crowd. All they have to do is choose to remove funding from the restoration process. This has been done at the federal level, and could be done at the state level.

Of interest was a recent development in Maine. Ostensibly, the states are supposed to fund restoration rights in return for federal funds to use and update the system. However, according to an article I read, a judge in Maine made the papers when she ordered her clerks to send records to the NICS system despite the fact that the feds had not paid for it. Apparently, Maine courts had not been sending updates to NICS due to lack of funding for that process.

There are any number of ideas that seem good in concept, but in execution they almost always turn into a mess. Functionaries with agendas will find a way to twist the requirements. It's what they do; it's what they have always done.
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