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Old November 16, 2013, 02:14 PM   #19
Senior Member
Join Date: January 4, 2010
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Fox news had a disappointing report on this today.

Showed a bunch of people using a printed lower on AR type uppers and went on and on about how the gun could go right through detectors. Also said that somebody was working on a plastic spring for a "clip" and made it sound like the end of the world. The guy being interviewed also went on about how we do not want people to be able to make guns in their garage and we need the law renewed to keep that illegal.

Very little of the report was in the realm of reality. Including the fact that people can make guns in there garage and it is not illegal.

The interviewer did almost nothing to address the inaccuracies and shortsighted view that was being put forth. He also helped make the guy that released the program to the net look like a cook.
Seams like once we the people give what, at the time, seams like a reasonable inch and "they" take the unreasonable mile we can only get that mile back one inch at a time.

No spelun and grammar is not my specialty. So please don't hurt my sensitive little feelings by teasing me about it.
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