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Old March 6, 2014, 10:56 AM   #10
Bart B.
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Join Date: February 15, 2009
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jmr40, point of impact, or zero, changes with shooting position and stance if the barrel has a pressure point on it from the fore end. Sight settings are not the same from benchrest, to standing to prone or resting the fore end atop a tree limb afield. The stiffer the barrel is, the less it bends from that external force against it.

That's easy to measure and see without firing a shot. And how much the barrel changes its line of fire axis can easily be seen to 1/20th MOA or more resolution. Sometimes, it's as much a 2 MOA.

People that have measured this understand.

A 30 caliber 30 inch long 5.1 pound Palma barrel or a 26 inch 4.4 pound heavy sporter barrel is not as stiff as a 22 inch long 2.1 pound featherweight 30 caliber barrel. That Palma and heavy sporter barrels resonant frequency is about 39 Hz while the featherweight one's 64 Hz. Stiffer barrels resonate at higher frequencies than those not as stiff. Nobody I know of pressure beds their Palma rifle barrels.

Last edited by Bart B.; March 6, 2014 at 11:11 AM.
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