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Old November 15, 2010, 03:02 PM   #21
147 Grain
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Join Date: January 21, 2005
Posts: 281
Civilians defending their lives indeed cannot be proactive like police officers.

Common sense tells you that when defending your family inside your home, there may be nonperfect situations (i.e. the attacker is not always directly facing you for a perfect shot through the heart like on a target at the range). Situations might also include a less than ideal shot, "where the bullet must travel a longer distance through a limb or penetrate at odd angles" before reaching the vitals to hopefully stop the threat.

This principle of "nonperfect situations where the bullet must travel a longer distance through a limb or penetrate at odd angles" applies to civilians and LE and should not be confused with civilians being proactive like LE are charged with. Civilians defending their lives indeed cannot be proactive like police officers.
Aim for the Thoracic Triangle Area between the armpits & throat.
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