Thread: A vision thing
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Old September 21, 2010, 12:12 AM   #1
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A vision thing

A recent comment spoke of different things that will develop when you are actually in this or that gun fight situation. It reminded me of something I've wondered about for a while - the tunnel vision effect.

An Ayoob article spoke of a LEO who was so focused on the fight that he either didn't or couldn't see nearby cover.

If there is a lot written about this I haven't seen it. Have people researched this to a great degree? Above I used the phrase "tunnel vision effect, " because at least the medical definition of tunnel vision is normally an actual physiological thing.

Are there other terms for the effect of losing sight of things due to intense concentration on one thing? Like "tunnel attention?" Or "tunneled perception?" Or is research on this particular aspect of combat still in its infancy so that there is no settled terminology - only borrowed buzz words?
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