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Old December 10, 2008, 11:30 AM   #8
F. Guffey
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Join Date: July 18, 2008
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Message body forgive, your receiver has a barrel that was made 14 (+ or -) years after the receiver, there is no way to determine the number of opportunities the receiver had to separate before the barrel was replaced, so deductive reasoning would suggest the receiver survived long enough to get a new barrel and a Hatcher hole, in my opinion the designed had at least 2 other flaws that could contribute to failure, the 1922 barrel could have been removed from another receiver and later installed on receiver #347319 during rebuild, I have a Remington 03 that looks similar to yours, it came from Sears, accuracy with open sights is second to my 303 1905 Ross with open sights, I have applied the 'Leaver policy', I am going to 'leaver the way I founder', what ever happened to the rifle before I acquired it is not about "Oh what might have been" a friend purchased 5 Remington 03s and A3s from a barrel at Sears, he turned each into magnificent rifles, he made the reamers etc., etc., now he thinks about what the rifles would be worth if he had not turned them into hunting type rifles, he was surrounded with resource people, they all needed a source of material, the surplus rifles made it possible for gun manufactures, retailers, gunsmiths and students to earn and learn, a different time, it would be wrong for me to critics, I am not one to claim to have rescued anything and I doubt I will be remembered as being the one that hung it in a barn so it could be rescued, but while it belonged to me, it was is/was my choice.

F. GUffey
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