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Old December 5, 2005, 06:42 PM   #30
Senior Member
Join Date: November 7, 2005
Posts: 463
Originally Posted by Eng2
Definitely look into Quick clot. It's saved a lot of troops in the Field and a few LE
Yes, Eng, you are right, but...

Quick Clot also has inherent risks involved, and too many medics treat it as a "magic Bullet" for hemorrhage control.

- Hemorrhage must be a "eyes on bleeder" (don't expect it to seal a severed artery by simply dumping it on a wound

- Generates a LOT of heat (Approx 130c) upon contact with ANYTHING wet...Medics have been burned...One of my former students had some blown into his eyes...Not good

When we first started teaching it, we used to show our guys this way...Put some QuickClot in a spoon, then use an eyedropper to put a few drops of water on it...Then, watch it boil

As mentioned above, it works great when you have DIRECT visualization of, and can apply it directly to the bleeder.

If someone is just asking if it's a good thing to have for "the glove box", I'd say "no" due to the amount of training and familiarization involved.

QuickClot (along with HemCon) is great for a trained medic to have, but I'd shy away from recommending it to folks who may seldom apply first aid (for real bad stuff).

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