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Old March 4, 2014, 03:37 PM   #17
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Join Date: August 28, 2011
Location: Virginia Beach, VA
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The question is very cleverly worded, probably written by a lawyer? People would raise a stink if it said "do you own a firearm"... but since it says "possess"...

The definition of possess:
pos·sess [puh-zes]
verb (used with object)
1. to have as belonging to one; have as property; own:

Since the definition of "possess" actually means "to own", you should answer like below and let the lawyers read between the lines whether you're suitable.

Do you or anyone in your household possess a fire arm? Yes/No
No, I do not currently have a firearm in my possession (since you're in a courthouse), and no members of my household are present, so I cannot verify their status.

What kind of gun is it?

What is it used for?

This response is 100% truthful while revealing nothing. If they want to call you in and argue the definition of "possess", they'll need to specifically ask you if you "own" a gun, which I'm certain they won't be willing to do, which means you can probably go home.
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