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Old March 13, 2024, 12:03 PM   #17
44 AMP
Join Date: March 11, 2006
Location: Upper US
Posts: 29,005
Thank you. Since there is no hand/finger/thumb near the slide stop to bump it during heavy recoil, we can pretty much rule that out,

A stronger plunger tube spring might solve the issue, but that will also push harder against the safety. That might make it more difficult to operate. Again, balancing act, there's no free lunch, etc. And, of course, a personal judgement call. Personally, I don't mind a fairly stiff safety, one that positively "snaps" into both positions doesn't bother me, but then my thumb still works about as good as it did when I was a young man. Sadly, most of the rest of me no longer does..

Right now, I would suggest you get a "heavy poundage" recoil spring for your heavy loads, and see how that works.

Now that IS interesting....that the gun gets LIGHTER as rounds are expended.
I hadn't thought of that and it makes sense considering his problem.
It is something not often thought about, because most of the time it doesn't matter, and its not something easily felt while shooting, but it might matter when conditions are just right.

10mm round weigh what?? I don't know, but since an ounce is 437.5gr and your 10mm round has a 180gr bullet, then with the case and powder its got to be close to half an ounce, per round. SO, by the time you're down to round #7 the gun is about 3 ounces lighter than it is with a full magazine. That might be enough to matter.
All else being equal (and it almost never is) bigger bullets tend to work better.
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