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Old February 26, 2024, 08:49 PM   #14
Metal god
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Join Date: April 10, 2012
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AB - yeah Im not impressed with the defense especially what I heard about today . Turns out he slow played giving access to his expert armrest to the prosecution , defense claims he could not get a hold of their expert . Tried to get a new one a week before trail and The prosecution objected to that because they would not have time to depose them or whatever it’s called and the judge agreed . This means the defense has no expert armor to testify in their clients behalf . Big screw up but thats not even the worst one . Turns out the defense gave the prosecution blanket permission to download all of there clients cellphone data with no restrictions. Turns out there were several correspondence between their client and themselves which the prosecution had access too . They put an emotion to have the case dismissed or at minimum the prosecutors kicked off the case. The judge denied both motions.

That said the prosecution claims they stopped reading the correspondence when they realized it was covered by attorney client privilege . it appears at this time the judge will not allow them to use anything they may have read against her . Will have to see if anything comes up in court, but they could disguise that as being found out another way I’m sure .

Anyways, I’m not impressed with her lawyer either .
If Jesus had a gun , he'd probably still be alive !

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Last edited by Metal god; February 26, 2024 at 09:07 PM.
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