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Old February 26, 2024, 02:12 PM   #7
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Join Date: November 13, 2006
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I watched a segment of courtroom proceedings.

I'm not jumping to any conclusions.
There is a prop business that was supplying the guns/ammo to the production.
Photos of this prop houses premises seemed quite disorganized. I would not count on their "system" to positively keep live rounds under control.

Crime scene control may not have been up to standard. Chain of custody issues. Baldwin was not quarantined.
A crime scene investigator was gathering up all prop weapons. A lever action had a full magazine tube. It was a 44-40.
There was a 45 Colt round in the tube . A this Gentleman tried to empty the rifle by cycling the lever the 45 round jammed everything up. It was transported that way to the station. A police armorer was able to clear it via removing the mag tube cap.

A prop rifle in the rack had a "Wrong round" in the mag tube. So,how does the "wrong round" enter a revolver cylinder? A failed system.

Ms Reed certainly may have played a part leading up to this accident. But at this point it seems there may be a whole big chain of contributors, many of whom would like to throw Ms Reed under the bus.
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