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Old April 10, 2023, 02:12 PM   #3
44 AMP
Join Date: March 11, 2006
Location: Upper US
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I was watching some instructional videos on how to shoot pistol .
Load the gun, aim the loaded gun, fire. You need a video for that??

Seriously, though, from your description, you were watching videos about how to shoot a repeat shots FAST.

Fast follow up shots is what many people focus on. And its all of what some people focus on, because that is what is most important to them. Or, they think it is....

Being the terminology obsessed PITA I am, to me I'd point out that there are lots of different "ways to shoot a pistol" and controlling the gun for fast follow up shots is just ONE of them.

It goes without saying the MOST important thing is to hit what you are aiming at. (doesn't it?) I forget who said it, but it is true "you can't miss fast enough to win". So we'll just assume that hitting the target at POI is the baseline, and go from there.

Is it the gun, the load, or the shooter???
The answer is ...

All three are a package deal, all three are factors in every shot. Which one is more, or most important???

That can vary. Most of the time, the biggest factor will be the shooter, but sometimes it is the gun. The load is still a factor but seldom the biggest one, UNTIL you start talking about very light loads, then it takes the lead.

"Cat sneeze" loads are light specially to reduce recoil and speed recovery time. Very good for some games. Not so good for other uses.

Most of the time, the dominant factor in controlling recoil and fast follow up shots is the shooter. Physical ability, and skill/experience. No question about that, I think.

Next up, the gun. And, here it gets more "variable". The gun does modify what the shooter can do with it. The same shooter, shooting the same load can have very different times, shooting different guns. Particularly when the guns are radically different.

Consider, SA revolver, vs. DA revolver vs. semi auto. Same shooter shooting the same ammo will turn in different times shooting those different guns.

I certainly do.

The best pilot in the world can't make a biplane fly as fast as a jet fighter.

Different people are differently capable. There are some people with exceptional abilities. Some of them make videos.....
All else being equal (and it almost never is) bigger bullets tend to work better.
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