Thread: Annealing
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Old April 15, 2017, 02:18 PM   #39
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Join Date: April 10, 2008
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I have never done any annealing and have been reloading off and on since the early 90's.
The searching I have done on the subject says there's no wrong way to do it, so confusing.
Everyone does it different with success it seems.

Jeephammer had the long version.

I have the short one. There are many ways to screw it up, some unsafe (bases getting annealed) and others don't hurt.

There are few ways to do it right and it takes serious attention to detail to do so.

There are a lot of people who will tell you cherry red is perfect, with a straight face. They believe it. They are wrong.

The only good news is that cherry red neck in water is not dangerous and they just have brass that will get 1" for accuracy at best, but its not a safety issue.

I suppose the really over the edge unsafe and daring ones blow themselves up and we do not hear from them.
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