Thread: Annealing
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Old April 15, 2017, 02:15 PM   #38
Bill DeShivs
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Join Date: April 7, 2006
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After 45 years of heat treating metals-both ferrous and non-ferrous, as a jeweler, cutler, gunsmith- I have never heard the term "micro crystalline" (the correct spelling) used.
I'm not a reloader, but have been around guns all my life. When annealing brass, I assume you want it dead soft-otherwise you are "tempering" rather than annealing. This is done quite simply by heating the brass to red.
If you heat the brass much past red, you will have a melted blob of brass, and I don't see how it could possibly be "micro crystalline," as that blob of brass can be worked just like any other brass. Brass cases start out as a blob of melted brass which is then worked, punched/formed. Why isn't it micro crystalline then? And what, exactly, does brass do when this happens, if it happens at all?
Some people put way too much thought into annealing brass-a very simple process- not mystical magic.
Bill DeShivs, Master Cutler
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