Thread: Annealing
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Old April 12, 2017, 07:07 PM   #27
Stats Shooter
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Mississippi, just as aside, what do you think of the Annealeez? I've been thinking of adding it to my equipment

It is my first automatic annealer. So obviously I haven't tried all of the available ones on the market.

But I have found it adequate for my needs. It will quickly anneal more brass than I need it too. I am not a big volume shooter. I competed twice a month, F-CLASS so if I was doing 3 gun or steel's it may be a bit too slow for those folks.

Also, it uses a single torch so I'm not sure if that's too slow for say .40 s&w before getting heat to the case head.

But it does a very consistent job, is easy to set up, and very well made. I would absolutely buy it again.

Oh and it doesn't take up much bench space.

You have to get different wheel sets for small vs large cartridges. And if you screw up getting the flame too close during setup you could melt a wheel.
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