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Old January 18, 2016, 08:16 AM   #18
Junior Member
Join Date: June 26, 2011
Posts: 3
Welcome to the CCW club!

I've had my CPL for more than a few years now and I've learned some pretty good lessons. The first is to always be prepared. Studying the laws is just as, if not more, important than remembering to put bullets in your gun. One misstep by you reflects negatively on all of us.

That is my go to when I'm traveling and need to brush up on the local gun laws. I find it really interesting to see how much the laws vary from state to state but how they are all also very similar. Whenever I know I'm going into a state, I spend a few minutes reading up. For me its more of a list of places to avoid than what to do. Though knowing if its a duty to disclose state is a pretty big deal.

One other thing: Printing out that flyer is a horrible idea. Those businesses do not care about your rights, logic, or the safety of their customers. Whenever I see a no guns sign, I turn my happy self around and don't look back. Its just not worth your time.

Be safe and good luck!
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