Thread: Bear oil
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Old October 17, 2013, 10:07 AM   #7
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Going to try this as well !!!

I ask, because I'm trying to get a better understanding of this process. So, after you render, you get two products; Grease and oil. I always thought that it all turns to grease, eventually. ....

We save our bacon grease for special recipes, in a refrigerated grease container. In the old days, it was quite common to have a salt, pepper and grease aluminum container set, which is now considered taboo. ....
Now, it is refrigerated and all looks like grease to me.

If Bear-Oil is all that good and in keeping with the old-school spirit, I'm going to render some. A buddy of mine just got a Minnesota bear and I'll ask him for some. I believe that biologist say that a Bear is closely related, to a pig. The grease should be good for patch lube as well .....

Thanks and;
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