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Old July 8, 2013, 09:27 PM   #1
4V50 Gary
Join Date: November 2, 1998
Location: Colorado
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Walker Saddle Holster article

by John H. Tillmann has been published in The Military Collector and Historian, Vol. 65, No. 2. Tillman happens to own it and compares it to contemporary saddle holsters. While unmarked, he and other researches have narrowed it down to five likely manufacturers:

1) Henry Dingee, Henry Storms or John Pittman in NYC. All three were provided holsters for the US military.
2) Lacy & Phillips in Philadelphia
3) Henry Antz of New Orleans

Other articles in that issue include: Never Made Badge of the XIII Corps in the Civil War, Washington's Commando: Col Benjamin Tallmadge, Maryland's Acquisitions of Muskets and Bayonets for the War of 1812, US Submarine S-27, West Point, A century Ago, 1911-1920 and numerous other articles. Contact The Company of Military Historians for further information.

Disclaimer: I have no financial interest in this magazine and The Company is composed of museum curators, museum directors, collectors, conservators, researchers, artists, authors and fans of military history/material culture.
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