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Old January 21, 2013, 02:51 PM   #29
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Join Date: February 26, 2012
Location: Colorado
Posts: 196
Thanks for all the relplies, but I do have a recent story that happened that got me wondering. (Btw honestly wasn't concerned about mag limits - just relability. I just thought Revolvers where still the "king of reliability" even in this day and age. I suppose that isn't as true anymore and Glocks are just as reliable?

I just bring that up because I knew of a friend who's house got broken into by 6 guys, all armed. So is he had a Glock with 15 rounds vs a Revolver with 6 rounds and used it, I'd imagine his fate would have been the same vs 6 armed people. 6 vs 1 seems like your going to lose either way. BUT if say if only 1 person broke in, and my friend had a revolver that was sitting on the drawer for 2 years and needed it to work right then, and there, i figured a revolver is the way to go. I couldnt picture the revolver not functioning even if it just sat in a drawer for 2 years without maintenance/lube and obviously dont have to worry about FTE/stovepipe jams on a revolver. Would a Glock still be just as reliable in the same situation say it was a at-home gun that just sits in a drawer for 2 years or whatever in case someone does break in? Or would the Glock be likely to malfunction if if just sat in a drawer for 2 years and was pulled out in emergency when needed? Just wondering.

But after reading all the replies it seems like I should still keep the Glock
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