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Old October 27, 2012, 10:17 PM   #22
Senior Member
Join Date: January 5, 2009
Posts: 274
On public land? It's pretty wrongheaded to be angry that someone else is using land that they have as much right to use as you do. It might be frustrating, but if the shooting is legal they've got every bit as much right to be using the land as the bow hunters.
I am not saying that you are wrong in any way, let me get that out there first. Its common around my parts though, that when deer season starts you dont shoot on public land. You shoot on private land where no one is hunting or you use a private or public range.

Its a two fold thing really. First, it sucks to only be able to hit the woods one a week to hunt and have someone burning up ammo. No that they arent within their rights, but it sucks. Second, it could be a matter of safety. In a lot of places where people shoot on public land there arent formal backstops. In these areas there could be people hunting in the same woods/area. It can be dangerous.

None of those things justifies vandalizing anothers property.
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