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Old November 6, 2011, 01:52 AM   #53
Senior Member
Join Date: April 6, 2007
Posts: 153
Just to chime in a little late...

IDPA is NOT training. In reality, it teaches you bad habits that can get you killed if you used them in the real world (expecting to know where your targets are, moving through an unknown situation at a run, hanging 50% of your upper body out from behind cover).

Instead, it is a game that used real-world principles as much as possible for it's foundation. Doesn't mean that everything in the rules are realistic for self-defense, but it is nearly impossible to create a game that is 100% grounded in the real world.

I will tell you it does provide some fantastic practical experience, though. Weapon presentation, sight acquisition, target transition, reload consistency, and malfunction recovery are all skills that are sharply honed through practical pistol competition.

Personally, I've recently become disenchanted at the lack of accountability to the paying members by the owners of IDPA. There is inconsistent and infrequent addressing of member concerns and needs, and no mechanism to insure that the people who pay for the sport's existence get a say in how its run.

But it's still a fun sport, and a great way to spend a weekend day.
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