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Old September 13, 2011, 08:35 PM   #33
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Join Date: March 2, 2007
Location: Iowa
Posts: 281
Staying in as good as shape as possible not just for self defense but for enjoyment of life is a given, and I am always amazed at people with high levels of martial arts skills.

That being said almost anyone in any condition, old, young, fit, disabled, can pull a trigger and one bullet can be your ticket out of here.

Spent a year in Nam and saw much close quarters combat but no hand to hand combat.

I have thought of developing an arm guard for each arm for the outside of the arm from the elbow to the wrist with blades or spikes covered in foam and concealed by a long sleeve shirt. You would not want it on the inside of the elbow as punches could put it in your face. I hate bullies and now if you try everything to disengage but have to fight just blocking punches could cut off your attackers fingers. I also thought of developing a similar leg guard for the front of the thighs and calves to block foot kicks and concealed by your pants and if it came to grappling you could literally cut your opponent to ribbons. Can you imagine a knee to the groin. Am in the process on working on a patent now.

Probably illegal or developed by someone, and would have to be used only defensively but seems like a logical solution.
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