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Old December 24, 2010, 07:27 PM   #11
James K
Member In Memoriam
Join Date: March 17, 1999
Posts: 24,383
I am coming to seriously dislike folks who rant that "the law is stupid, why can't I do ..."

The law may be stupid, or unnecessary, or confusing, or plain silly, BUT IT IS THE LAW. And you don't get to decide what the law should be, you get to obey it or suffer the consequences. You can campaign to have the law changed and you might succeed.

Or, if you really feel a law is bad or will fail a court test, hire a lawyer and set up a test case, like the Civil Rights protesters did. But if you fail, you will be convicted and penalized. Many Civil Rights activists went to jail or suffered social penalties, like being fired from their jobs, before they were vindicated.

So if you don't want to take a chance on testing the law, and you don't want to suffer consequences, shut up and obey the law, and stop raving about how it is stupid or unfair or whatever.

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